In these trying times, it is important to keep your mental and physical in check as well as that of your staff.
While it’s difficult to gauge just how hard restaurants, cafes, pubs and clubs will be impacted over the long term — as an owner, executive chef, or manager — you can make the biggest impact over a short term. Things might be tough now, with owners and staff to suppliers and farmers being affected, but it’s how you react now that will define you in the future.
As a senior staff member, there is a great deal of stress and anxiety that you will be facing at the moment. While it’s crucial to see that the needs of your staff are supported, you would also need to be in the right frame of mind to be able to manage their welfare as well as your own during this crisis.
You’ve already invested a lot in your staff and you do not want to throw it all away now. So how do you encourage them and earn their loyalty if there is no job in the foreseeable future?
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